


GE Lighting Illuminates Malaysia’s MASkargo Advance Cargo Centrewith its Energy-Efficient Solution

GE Lighting Illuminates Malaysia’s MASkargo Advance Cargo Centrewith its Energy-Efficient Solution

Time: 2023-03-02 Browse: 2485

New GE Lights Result in Yearly Savings of US$300,000

GE Lighting has replaced1,470 sets of halide lamps at Malaysia’sMASkargo Advance Cargo Centre with its Hi-Beam T5 High Bay system using GE’s technologically advanced system, a solution tailored for industrial vertical. The new lights significantly raised the level of illumination while generating a 50% reduction in energy usage. GE’s more energy-efficient solution, coupled with reduced maintenance, will result in savings totaling an estimated US$300,000 per year.

GE Lighting has implementedtheir technologically-advanced T5 High Bay systematMASkargo Advance Cargo Centre, a leading cargo handling complex located in Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia. Under this retrofit project, 1,470 sets of halide lampsat the cargo complex were replaced with Hi-Beam energy-efficientT5 High Bay system using GE’s technologically advanced system. The system, which is ideal for thewarehouse industrial vertical, has significantly improved the illumination within the complex. In addition, the reduced energy usage and maintenance will generate savings totaling an estimated US$300,000 per annum for its client.

MASkargo is the Malaysia-based air freight division of Malaysia Airlines. The MASkargo Advance Cargo Centre, built in 1998, spans across 108 acres and processes up to one million tonnes of cargo annually, equipped with state-of-the-art cargo handling facilities.The cargo complex was previously lit with404 sets of 250W, 911 sets of 400W and 155 sets of 1000W metal halide lamps,generating an average lighting level of only 80 lux across the facility.

Mr.Ong Pang Wai, GE Project &Green Lighting Specialist, elaborated: “As aleading air freight company like MASkargo,operating 24 hours daily, it is vitalthatthe lighting solutionprovides adequate illumination while being efficient in its energy usage. After discussions with our clients and a thorough study of the work area, the team specified theirHi-Beam T5 High Bay system for this keycargo complex, which is a lighting system that hasbeen proven over time to be working well for a multitude of warehouse facilityareas. At MASkargo Advance Cargo Centre, the new lights presenta well-illuminated environment across the facility while halving the energy used. The Hi-Beam high bay on GE Lighting solutionsareamore environmentally-friendly and sustainable alternative for the businesses? today.”

GE’s Energy-EfficientSolutions forIndustrial Vertical
AtMASkargo Advance Cargo Centre, GE implemented the T5 High Bay system comprising:
Hi-Beam Lighting T5HO high baycoupled with GE ELBS and GE T5HO 47W Watt-Miser. The new lights raised illumination level effectively to 200 luxand improved the uniformity of light within the complex. GE’s T5 High Bay system is also a more hassle-free solution compared to traditional halide lamps as the gear and tubes enjoy a longer lifespan thus reducing the need for constant maintenance.

Positive Environmental Impact and Returns
On an operational level, the GE solution will enable its client MASkargo to embraceenergy efficiency and enjoy improved annual savings amounting to an estimated US$300,000. Moreover, greater visibility and leveled-upillumination contributesto the security of the overall working environment. Looking from an environmental perspective, the energy savings is equivalent to eliminating approximately 13,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, or creating 3,380 acres of new trees.

Mr.MohdZulkeflyUjang, Senior Manager MHCS,MASkargo, commented:“Highly energy efficient products from Hi-Beam and GE Lighting met our expectations for energy savings and brighten up our work areas.”

GE Lighting’s T5 High Bay system implemented at Malaysia’s MASkargo Advance Cargo Centre brings about improved visibility and significant energy-savings.